• Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes (7 - 22 February 1915)

Christ's Hospital's Digital War Memorial

Welcome to our digital war memorial.  Our Roll of Honour covers a range of wars and conflicts.  The Second South African War, First and Second World Wars together account for over 660 names.  You will also see names from the Zulu Wars, Korean War, Suez Crisis and various other wars and conflicts. We continue to seek out and find names that we consider should be included on our Roll of Honour.

For those serving in the Armed Forces we have included not only those killed in action but also those whose deaths occurred from injury, wounds, illness or in accidents. In a few cases, names appear where the death occurred after Military Service had ceased but the death was attributed to it.

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Our Roll of Honour is not limited to Old Blues. Where we have been able to identify them, we have included other members of our community such as Almoners, Governors, Teachers and Estate Staff.  We have also included civilians from within our community who died as a result of enemy action.

In addition to our Roll of Honour, you will find a selection of reference materials, including copies of The Blue for the years of the Second South African War and the First and Second World Wars.  You will also see records and photos of commemorative visits made to graves and memorials where members of our community are commemorated.

We encourage visitors to this memorial to contact us particularly if you think we have omitted any names who should appear or you have any biographical information or documents which we could use to expand individual entries.

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On 23rd October 1920, Christ’s Hospital, Horsham dedicated its War Memorial to those who died in the First World War.  It was comprised of memorial tablets designed by Sir Aston Webb which were hung on the outside of the School’s Dining Hall. On 9th May 1992 further, complementary, tablets listing the names of those who died in the Second World War were dedicated.  Another tablet, listing those who died in conflicts after the Second World War was dedicated on 4th May 2000. Most recently, some modifications to the 1992 tablets were made in May 2011. These included the addition of ten Old Blues from Horsham and five Old Blues from the girls' school at Hertford who had previously been commemorated on a memorial tablet in the Hertford Chapel, plus one other Hertford Old Blue whose name had not been included on the original memorial tablet there.  The School’s Hertford site was closed in 1985, from which date all pupils have been educated at Horsham.

This digital memorial owes much to the considerable research and publications by David Miller.  Without his input and assistance it would never have got off the ground.  Our thanks are also due to David Gill, Clifford Jones and Ken Mansell for their contributions and research.

To find your way around this memorial, please click on the ‘Browse’ button in the above toolbar.

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